• ECO 2K

    Article No. 2087130

    BIT 2K [basic]

    Solvent-free, polymer-modified 2K bituminous thick coating with polystyrene

    020871 | BIT 2K
    Size / Quantity

    Product specifications

    Base Polystyrene-filled plastic-bitumen emulsion
    Density of ready-to-use mixture Approx. 0.75 kg/l
    Time until thoroughly dry
    (20 °C/70% relative humidity)
    Approx. 2 days
    Consistency Paste-like
    Crack-bridging ≥ 2 mm
    Cross-slit pressure test (DIN 15820) Passed
    Dry residue Approx. 85 vol%

    The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.

    Field of application

    • For use on floors indoors and walls outdoors
    • Waterproofing of new and old buildings with ground contact
    • Water impact classes W1.1-E, W1.2-E, W2.1-E, W3-E and W4-E (splashing water only) as per DIN 18533
    • Retrofit waterproofing of buildings according to WTA Code of Practice 4-6


    • Water-based
    • Solvent-free
    • Water pressure tight
    • Highly flexible, elastic and crack-bridging
    • Radon-tight (verified through testing)
    • Preparation
      • Substrate requirements

        Even-surfaced, mineral substrate.

        Clean, dust-free and capable of supporting a load.

        Prepare concrete substrates at wall/base transition areas by means of mechanical material removal.

        Matt damp surfaces are permitted.

        If necessary, provide damp proofing.

      • Preparations

        Remove projecting seams and mortar remains.

        Break off or chamfer corners and edges.

        Smooth out inner corners using a suitable mineral mortar.

        Close indentations > 5 mm using a suitable mineral material.

        Prime absorbent mineral substrates with Kiesol MB. Prime non-absorbent mineral substrates with BIT Primer[basic] (1:10 in water).

        If the substrate requires reinforcement (restoration), prime using Kiesol (1:1 with water).

        Create a scratch coat using the product as a contact layer and in order to prevent blisters.

    • Preparation
      • Combination container

        Break up the powder component before adding to the bitumen emulsion.

        Remove any dried material adhering to the edge of the bucket.

        Briefly stir the bitumen base material.

        Add the entire quantity of broken-up powder component to the bitumen emulsion.

        Mix for approx. 30 seconds, stop mixing and allow the air introduced during mixing to escape.

        Remove the powder adhering to the side.

        Resume mixing and continue for at least 2 minutes.

        Leave the anchor stirrer near the base throughout the mixing time.

        See mixing instructions.

    • Application
      • Application temperature: min. 5 °C max. 30 °C
      • trowel application
      • Working time min. 1 h
      • Apply the product in two layers on the previously prepared substrate.

        If a reinforcement fabric is required, embed into the first waterproofing layer.

    • Application instructions
      • In the case of liquid-applied waterproofing materials, direct sunlight and/or wind exposure can cause accelerated skin formation and accompanying blistering.

        Do not apply any further layers until the previous layer has hardened sufficiently.

        Protect freshly coated surfaces from rain, direct sunlight, frost and condensation.

        Protect dry sealant from mechanical damage and UV radiation.

        Please contact Remmers Technical Service (phone +49 5432 83900) before applying with machine processing.

    • Working tools / cleaning
      • trowel application
      • Anchor stirrer, scoop, smoothing trowel, layer thickness trowel

      • Clean tools immediately after use with water.

        Remove dried-on material using V 101 Thinner (0978).

    • Storage / shelf life
      • Store frost-free and cool / protect for moisture / close containers
      • Shelf-life 12 months
      • If stored unopened in its original container in a cool, dry place and protected against frost, the product will keep for at least 12 months.

    • Usage
      • Approx. 1.3 l / mm thick layer / m²
      • Approx. 1.2 l/m²/mm dry layer thickness
        Approx. 3.5 - 4.5 l/m² for full-surface insulation panel bonding
        Min. 1.5 l/m² as perimeter insulation adhesive with pointwise bonding
        See application rate table for details

    • Application examples
      • Water impact class (according to DIN 18533)
        Dry layer thickness
        Wet layer thickness
        Application quantity
        30 l
        Ground moisture and non-pressing water 

        ≥ 3 approx. 3.6 approx. 3.6 approx. 8.3
        Moderate impact of pressing water (immersion depth ≤ 3 m)

        ≥ 4 approx. 4.8 approx. 4.8 approx. 6.25
        Non-pressing water on earth-covered ceiling 

        ≥ 4 approx. 4.8 approx. 4.8 approx. 6.25
        Splashing water at wall base

        ≥ 3 approx. 3.6 approx. 3.6 approx. 8.3

        * To be agreed separately for combination waterproofing in conjunction with water-impermeable concrete slabs.

        Layer thickness margin according to DIN 18533

        du = scratch coat; application rate approx. 0.6 l/m² (dependent on the substrate)

        dv = - not necessary with layer thickness trowel

                - without layer thickness trowel, application rate approx. 0.5 l/m² (dmin = 4mm)

    • General information
      • Current regulations and legal requirements must be taken into account and deviations from these must be agreed separately.

        The relevant test certificates must be observed when planning and carrying out work.

        Special agreements and certificates of suitability can be downloaded online at www.remmers.com.

        Combination waterproofing in conjunction with water-impermeable concrete slabs must be agreed separately.

    • Disposal instructions
      • Larger quantities of leftover product should be disposed of in the original containers in accordance with the applicable regulations. Completely empty, clean containers should be recycled. Do not dispose of together with household waste. Do not allow to enter the sewage system. Do not empty into drains.

    • Safety / regulations
      • For further information on the safety aspects of transporting, storing and handling the product and on disposal and environmental matters, please see the current Safety Data Sheet.