RSG - Remmers System Guarantee
To date, we offer our Remmers System Guarantee for three of our premium product systems.
Our building waterproofing system for elements that have contact with the ground, MB-2K, offers extraordinary performance and durability both for new and also older buildings. More information can be found in the RSG sealing area.
The RSG Remmers System Guarantee is also a solution for the protection and repair of brick façades. The masonry and, particularly, the often porous joints are protected by the system products of the Funcosil series. This guarantees that façades are permanently protected against driving rain and are dry. For more information about this product system, please go to the RSG façade section.
The third product system is the Induline Premium Coatings, which guarantees excellent surface sealing for wooden windows and doors. Thanks to the Induline product range, your wooden windows & doors can be protected against weathering for a long time. This means that no renovation coatings are required for at least 10 years For more information, please go to the RSG window section.
And the benefit for you is that, thanks to the Remmers-System-Guarantee, you profit from an extended guarantee of 10 years for the quality of these product systems applied by certified specialist companies.