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A family business with an international reputation

About Remmers

The Remmers group was founded by Bernhard Remmers in 1949 and is still an independent family business today. Remmers is a specialist in the production of construction chemicals, wood paints/varnishes, and industrial paints.

The company has approximately 1,500 highly-skilled employees, more than 400 problem-solving product systems, and decades of experience in key competence areas associated with our industry. As a company, we are active in many different markets. Our products range from building, wood and floor protection to industrial paint systems.

Our product range varies from an individual product application to the complete design and realisation of a unique project. We have a wide range of resin floors for both private and industrial use. Our flooring experts stand by every day to help you and to answer any questions you may have. You can also contact us for the repair of your resin floor. Are you looking for a suitable, fast-drying floor? We can get the job done within the day.
