Colour european spruce natural
Wood type: European spruce
For direct weathering
Layer structure:
- Induline SW-900
- Induline GW-360 FT 38856
- Induline ZW-504i transparent
- Induline NW-740/05 FT 38857
There is a growing demand, in particular for construction elements made of light wood types - e.g. oak, European spruce or larch - to leave them looking as natural as possible. This is a furniture and flooring trend that has been observed for some years. The water-based natural effect paint Induline NW-740/05 can be used as a finish on wood-alu windows, windows, conservatories and house doors made of wood. Elements not directly exposed to the effect of the weather are not fired by the transparent applications of lacquer and therefore look almost unpainted. Remmers also supplies pigmented natural colours in a cloth-matt finish for the respective wood types that are exposed to direct weathering. The result: Maximum natural look and added UV protection as well as protection against hand cream and scratches.
Wood type: European spruce
For direct weathering
Layer structure:
- Induline SW-900
- Induline GW-360 FT 38856
- Induline ZW-504i transparent
- Induline NW-740/05 FT 38857
Wood type: Oak
For direct weathering
Layer structure:
- Induline GW-360 FT 38854
- Induline ZW-504i transparent
- Induline NW-740/05 FT 38855
Wood type: Larch
For direct weathering
Layer structure:
- Induline SW-900
- Induline GW-360 FT 38858
- Induline ZW-504i transparent
- Induline NW-740/05 FT 38859
Wood type: European spruce
For direct weathering
Layer structure:
- Induline SW-900
- Induline GW-201/208 white
- Induline DW-601 white (with 10 % water)
- Spray V-890-thinner onto the surface
(Cup gun nozzle, owe pressure)
- Aqua KB-004 FT 31030 / FT 31049 (mist
after drying, excess
wipe off and sand for effect)
- Induline NW-740/05 + 4 % SM-820 / L
Wood type: Oak
For protected designs
Layer structure:
- Induline GW-360 transparent
- Induline ZW-504i transparent
- KP-840 white (apply, rubs into the pores
and remove excess
- Induline NW-740/05 transparent
Wood type: European spruce
For direct weathering
Layer structure:
- Induline SW-900
- Induline GW-201/208 white
- Induline ZW-400 white
- Induline DW-601/20 white
- Induline NW-740/05 transparent
(with 10 % Induline DW-601/20 white)
Keys, shopping bags, garments and pets impact on the laquer and often create unsightly scratches on conventional window paints.
Here, Induline NW-740/05 offers a much higher level of protection than conventional
competitive products. Induline NW-740 ensures that surfaces stay naturally beautiful for longer.
Hand creams care for the skin and moisturise. However, the effect is often the opposite on painted surfaces. The active constituents can attack the paint film or even destroy it completely. This phenomena is often seen on patio doors. Because often doors are opened and closed repeatedly by grabbing the doors itself instead of using the door handle. The consequence: Unavoidable stains - sometimes even leading to a complete dissolution of the paint film. The special binding agent used in Induline NW-740/05 prevents this effectively. For a long-standing natural effect.
Protected constructions do not require the level of protection of weathered surfaces. Therefore, these can be left as colour-free and natural as possible. Anyone seeking this look for outdoors will have problems using conventional natural effect paints:
Either they are only available for indoors or the pigmentation required for outdoors spoils the natural look. Induline NW-740/05 has a clever solution for this problem:
Transparent: for protected designs and in the natural colour of the respective wood types for outdoors.
Article No. 792005
Water-based natural effect varnish for dimensionally stable wood building elements directly or indirectly exposed to weathering